Monday, April 7, 2008

Point Break DVD Review: Utah, Get me two!

Our all-time favorite action flick gets honored with a review. It would only be right to do Angelo Pappas, Johnny Utah, and Bodhi a solid in our inaugural week.


Anonymous said...

Dear Film Shui,

Point Break is about as good as getting caught with a drunk naked blindfolded boyscout chained up in your basement. Get the volleyball sized anal beads out of your ass and give them back to their rightful owner keanu reeves. I suggest next time you want to give online handjobs to bad movies and their stars, you just get andy dick to come pick you up and the two of you go over to polly shores crib for couple of 2 on 1 lessons of the newest hollywood creation game, "hide the fist up my ass".

i'm f**king matt damon said...

"you gunna jump or jerk off"...i think i will choose to jerk off, jumping into this movie is like jumping into a meat grinder. The plot lacks development and Keanau Reeves lacks acting ability and creditibility. Patrick Swayze again brings his over the top attitude and performance that leaves him...well, short of another acting job. Gary Busey is about the only actor that brings anything to the table in this movie and that is insanity (another fine job by Busey). This film is short of spectacular, but is however spectacularly awful.

Vaya Con Dios, Brah